
We believe that children matter to God and that He loves them very much. At Resurrection, we desire for our families to have resources and community support to be more deeply rooted in Jesus’ love for them.

  • Nursery (Birth-Pre-K)

    Each Sunday, our trained and background-checked volunteers are happy to welcome your children to the nursery beginning at 10:15. Children ages 0-Pre-K can begin to see and experience God’s love for them through stories, play and songs. Infants through crawlers are in the Baby Room. Walkers through 2-year olds (still in diapers) are in the Toddler Room. Potty training 3-year olds through Pre-K are in the Preschool Room. If you have questions or are interested in serving our children and families in this way, please email our Nursery Director, Heather Parham ( or complete our Volunteer Interest form HERE.

  • Children

    We believe we have been given the wonderful challenge and command to teach our children how to worship through modeling and intentional training. We provide a worship kit that children may pick up and return in the front lobby that includes a children’s worship guide, clipboard, writing utensils and Bible. We encourage parents to work alongside their children to use the worship guide as a tool to teach children the elements of worship. 

    Though children are always welcome in the service, we do offer Res Time, a special time of teaching during the sermon for children K-2nd Grade. During this time, our children learn and discuss a Gospel story, pray, memorize verses, and grow relationships with other children. After 2nd grade, or whenever your family decides is the right time for your child, we welcome your child to enjoy the entire service and experience the joy of worshipping together as one body. For more information about Res Time, contact our Director of Children’s Ministry, Abby Bartelt (

  • Youth

    Growing up can be an awkward, amazing, and scary place all at the same time. As middle and high school students attempt to navigate through life’s challenges, our desire is to be a safe place where students can explore the gospel and its implications for their lives as they wrestle with tough questions, worship together, serve together, and do life together. For questions or more information about middle and high school youth please contact